Call: (732) 972-0123
Advanced Technology
Digital Dental X-Rays

Intraoral Camera

The intraoral camera is used in tandem with a computer screen or television monitor. We can easily show you, in real-time, what we see so we can discuss it together. In the case of the intraoral camera, a picture may be worth more than a thousand words!
Flourescent Oral Cancer Screening

Did you know?
• Oral cancer kills roughly 1 person per hour, every hour, every day in the United States.
• Approximately 20 million Americas are infected with HPV (human papillomavirus), of which certain strains - HPV-16 and -18 -- have been linked to oral cancer.
• When found early, oral cancer patients have a 90% survival rate.
• HPV- related oral cancer is on the rise in people under the age of 40, which is shift from the usual risk factors of chewing tobacco, smoking, and alcohol use.
The CDC recommends that all patients over the age of 17 have annual Oral cancer screenings. Taking preventative steps ensures healthier living. Using a Flourescent Scope, it's possible to identify any emerging abnormalitites at the beginning, treatable stages. By detecting potential problems earlier, we provide you with the best oral health care currently available.